Muslims may not take over the country today by the use of force. But they may do it by default; by peaceful, even democratic, means: made possible by the much vaunted liberalism of the West which neither expects nor permits any of us to take pride in our particular national or religious identity.
It will be the spontaneous consequence of uncontrolled immigration, demographic collapse and cultural and religious decline. Islam will fill the vacuum left by the wholesale repudiation of Catholic values and tradition and the systematic uprooting of Catholicism from the hearts of children in our schools and students at university, and especially through the media.
The Muslim takeover of Britain, Canada and the United States will happen slowly, and by stealth.
In the future anyone who dares to oppose it will be prosecuted before and condemned by Britain's, Canada’s and the United States politicized judiciary, probably without benefit of trial by jury, ostensibly for stirring up religious hatred. Britain's and the United States new rulers undervalue and condemn the moderate solidarity of the indigenous people, yet fail to condemn the obsessive group-mindedness of the Muslims.
Left-wing elite have undermined the family, caused the birthrate to collapse, subsidized illegitimacy and deprived fathers of rights in the name of feminism, yet they say nothing about the tyranny of the Muslim extended family and its willingness to treat women as objects to be bartered and battered and as machines to produce sons.
They cannot see that secularization has led to the collapse of Britain's moral order, nor that Muslim zeal is contrary to the core values of their society
Acts of terror in the name of Allah, designed to kill and maim primary victims and to shock and horrify and paralyze the secondary victims - the bystanders - have been met by unplanned, often irrational and more often than not involuntary, reactions.
TV and the media generally, especially the internet, have given new meaning to the words 'bystander," and 'onlooker'.
Not always unwittingly, the media have become Terrorism's fifth column as they carry its grisly message, and extend its scope world-wide until no corner of the planet is immune to it.
The past three years have seen more widespread interest in the Islamic history, teachings, political theories and personalities of Islam than in the three hundred years that proceeded September 11, 2001.
For reasons that I have no time to go into here, dialogue with Islam - in any win-win sense - has always proved to be difficult if not impossible.
But if we can't yet dialogue meaningfully, prudence requires that policy makers and those entrusted with the welfare of our societies listen to what others who do not share their values, are saying; and that they read what is being written or otherwise disseminated through the media.
by Fr. Paul Stenhouse, M.S.C., Ph.D.
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